In a bid to address cost challenges associated with access to education and to help provided Internet connectivity to schools, Vodacom and the Department of Communications, handed over a fully equipped cyberlab to learners at Mancam Junior Secondary School in Mqanduli.
Through this handover, Vodacom has provided the school with 26 tablets including free access to educational sites, 1x tablet charging trolley, 1x laptop, 1x projector, 1x interactive whiteboard, 1x server, 1x configured router, Wi-Fi and installation of the equipment and training to the solution. The e-learning solution is value at R130 000 and offers free Internet access to education content for learners in grades 8 -12.
This intervention is an illustration of Vodacom’s core belief that Information and communications technology (ICT) and mobile technology can be utilised to help improve and advance learning and address skills development in communities such as Mqanduli.
Speaking at the event, Sydney Shamase, Executive Head for Vodacom Eastern Cape Business said that Vodacom believes that access to education through digital tools is one of the key ways through which educational outcomes can be improved.
“Vodacom realises the importance of technology, especially mobile broadband and Digital Education Services, in transforming the delivery of education, addressing current challenges and creating a platform for South Africa to leapfrog its education evolution process.
“At Vodacom, our aim is to use technology to help make a difference in the communities where customers lives. Through this initiative, Vodacom seeks to enable learners with ICT tools and free Internet connectivity,” says Shamase.
Access to reading material is a major challenge in South Africa. As many people do not have access to libraries and reading material, Vodacom, together with its partners, believe that we can help address this challenge by broadening access to literacy in this way.
“Supporting education is a key focus for Vodacom. This project reflects our commitment to weigh in on and help improve the standard and quality of education in our country,” says Shamase.